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Taxis and Limousine


Hypra Taxi
418 525-8294
[email protected]
Taxi Coop Beauport
418 661-7711
[email protected]
Taxi Coop Charlesbourg
418 626-5252
[email protected]
Taxi Coop Québec
418 525-5191
[email protected]
Taxi Coop Sainte-Foy–Sillery
418 653-7777
[email protected]

Taxi Coop Val Bélair
418 847-2580
[email protected]

Taxi Laurier
418 651-2727
[email protected]
418 622-8622
Taxi Nomade
418 476-6765
[email protected]
Taxi Yallo
418 624-9999
[email protected]

Taxi rates from the Québec City Jean Lesage International Airport (YQB)

From the YQB terminal to downtown Québec City or From downtown Québec City to YQB (Trip A)

DAY PRICE: $41.40

NIGHT PRICE (between 11:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m.): $47.60 

During the day and night, a fee of $0.90 + GST and QST is added to the base fare for each trip, including special fares set by the Commission des transports du Québec. It is also added to fares established by a contract agreed upon between two parties and to fares requested by a mobile application. This amount is used to fund a program to compensate and assist individuals or groups who were licensed as cab owners.

The boundaries of downtown Québec City area as follows:

  • In the west: autoroute Laurentienne; rue Saint-Anselme up to rue des Commissaires; rue des Commissaires; boulevard Langelier; côte De Salaberry; avenue De Salaberry and its extension to the Saint Lawrence River.
  • In the east: avenue D’Estimauville and its extension to the Saint Lawrence River.
  • In the south: the Saint Lawrence River.
  • In the north: autoroute Félix-Leclerc.

Houses and buildings on either side of bordering streets are part of the Québec City downtown area.

From YQB to the outskirts (Sainte-Foy area) (Trip B)

DAY PRICE: $18.15

NIGHT PRICE (between 11:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m.): $20.85

During the day and night, a fee of $0.90 + GST and QST is added to the base fare for each trip, including special fares set by the Commission des transports du Québec. It is also added to fares established by a contract agreed upon between two parties and to fares requested by a mobile application. This amount is used to fund a program to compensate and assist individuals or groups who were licensed as cab owners.

Sainte-Foy area is defined as follows:

  • In the west: route Jean-Gauvin; boulevard Wilfrid-Hamel; rue des Champs-Élysées and their extensions between boulevard Wilfrid-Hamel and autoroute Charest.
  • In the east: autoroute Henri IV.
  • In the south: autoroute Charest.
  • In the north: rang Sainte-Anne; route de l’Aéroport; avenue Sainte-Geneviève.

Houses and buildings on either side of bordering streets are part of the Sainte-Foy area.

Prices for all other trips are subject to a taximeter.

NOTE: Rates are subject to change without notice.


Limousine service

To find a limousine or other means of transportation, please go to the information counter located inside the terminal near the international arrivals area and the check-in counters. Our staff will be more than happy to assist you. You may also contact any of the following companies for information on rates in effect or to make a reservation before you arrive at YQB:

D2S Limousine inc.
418 652-7316

Groupe Limousine A-1
418 523-5059

Groupe Limo Québec
418 847-9190

Transport Exécutif Prestige
581 398-1035